What is Success ?

If you hear at this moment you are suffering from cancer, and you will save a week. You will also be sad once - why did not you get a chance at Dhaka University, why not read Oxford, why did not you get the best job? When you are suffering from cancer, you will regret the pain of death, which you would love to lose to someone whom you loved so much! These things will not come to mind then. The patient who is suffering from cancer, does not have the grief of not getting a chance in the university, the thought of taking vengeance on the friend's insults does not come to mind. I do not feel sorry for the best woman in the class to not get married.

Then, one year, and one month to survive, it is his best sought after the Creator. Today, many patients are suffering from death, and in the hospital, today I could have been on these patients list. This is the only day that I am still alive.

A blind person can see everyone else in the world more happily than others. To a lame, his life is meaningless. He is the happiest person to walk on his side. Life is a burden to Bobby. He understands everything, but he can not mean anything to anyone. But you can see me, walk, talk, but after all these things I can not think of myself happy.

Believe there are at least millions of people in the world who want a life like yours They want to live happily like you. All the world's blind wants to see you, all the cripples you want to walk, all the dumb wants to talk like you. Only if they get this happiness will they enjoy life as happiness in heaven. But regret that you are the target of so many millions of people, so many millions of people who want a life like you, do not feel happy at the place where you are really sorry Afsos

Happy happy people know why? He is not happy because everyone gives him happiness, but he feels happy because of everything he is happy. Life is only one. So why do we regret every day? Do not get many things in life, lose a lot of things, and do not try to reach for a lot of things, but you can not reach around. But nothing in this life has nothing to do with this little achievement.

Today you are regretting not getting the best job as a graduate, but if you were not a graduate today, this would not have been sad. If you can only do so, then you can live your lives by doing so. It does not seem to be worthless for the person whom you love, but outside of the house you can not figure out how many people love yourself. Think of the patient, who has to live with oxygen cylinders every day. If you are still getting oxygen in the fridge, it is only enjoyable that you can survive by eating it laughing.

Think of a lame man, who has the ability to afford a shoe factory, and his legs are not as easy to read as a sandal, before he can not afford to buy expensive pair of Apex shoes. Think of the paralyzed patient before telling you to be worthless if you can not buy a brand clock, only if the hand twists properly, it would have been happier, the thought of the watch was not on her mind. But you are not happy even with healthy hands. If you can not afford to buy the most expensive dress, then visit the Medical Burn Unit once you think of life being meaningless. See how the pain in the whole body after the bandage burning fire. He does not have the demand for expensive clothes in the body, he is happy only if he can live healthy body. But despite all these things you are not happy.

We are all happy. What is the benefit of making life miserable by thinking unnecessarily complex? Who will make me sad if I feel happy? Whatever you have found in this one, do not let the pleasures of life get absorbed in the thought of getting nothing. Today, sadness of not getting a chance in the university will not be in old age, the sadness of losing loved ones today will not come in the middle of the day. There is no sorrow for more days. So why are the unpleasant times of today's country worried about not getting a chance in the university, not being able to build an expensive career, ending the pain of not having the love of people? Every day is happiness, happiness.